NICER Projects

The NICER Program aims to address the discrepancy in access to R&D funding among the regions. Through the program, qualified Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the regions are provided with grants so they can undertake quality research directed at promoting regional development with their existing capabilities and resources. A proposed NICER should be unique, a collaborative project between HEIs, and must be duly endorsed by the Regional Development Council (RDC) to ensure its socio-economic impact in the region.

Center for Innovations for DRMM-H

Development of software and response trainings for disaster risk reduction and health management

Multi-Species Freshwater Fish Center (MSFFC)

Development of artificial breeding and culture techniques of indigenous high valued freshwater species

Mollusk R&D Center

Monitoring program of population and reproductive biology of commercially-important mollusk

Biodiversity R&D Center

Assessment of biodiversity and natural resources in Cebu island

Environmental Informatics R&D Center

Application of sensor systems and ICT for timely information and future projections of environmental impacts

Center for Crustacean R&D

Enhancement in productivity of the commercially-valuable crustaceans from marine resources

Center for Astronomy R&D

Fostering astronomy and space science technologies in the country

Renewable Energy R&D Center

Research on appropriate and sustainable energy systems

Potato R&D Center

Enhancement of potato production system for self-sufficiency on certified quality planting materials to boost the potato industry

Citrus Resources R&D Center

Enhancement of citrus productivity both in volume and fruit quality

Sweet Potato R&D Center

Development of quality sweet potato clean planting material (SP-CPM)for sustainable production of its climate-smart varieties

Tamarind R&D Center

Improvement of the quality and production of sour and sweet tamarind through S&T intervention

Native Pig R&D Center

Increase the productivity and production efficiency of Markaduke native pigs in the nucleus herd, multiplier farms and farmer-beneficiaries by strengthening the research capability (both human resource and facilities) of MSC

Pili R&D Center

Improvement of propagation system, development of yield boosting technologies, and capability building activities for enhanced supply of pili nut

Seacucumber R&D Center

Enhancement of sustainable utilization, population genetic diversity, and mariculture of high value sea cucumber

Industrial Tree Plantation R&D Center

Upgrading the wood-based industry through technology enhancement and innovative product designs

Halal Goat Science and Innovation Center

Establish a functional Halal Goat Science and Innovation Center at SKSU that will not only enhance past R&D efforts on halal goat production but will also serve as hub for capacity development, collaborative research, and communication and partnership among SUCs working on halal goat.

Seaweed R&D Center

Optimize the seaweed value chain and create and promote a commercially sustainable cultivated seaweed industry in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)

Garlic and other Condiments

Provide S&T-based interventions to revitalize the dwindling garlic industry in the Philippines

Queen Pineapple

To undertake comprehensive research on the advancement of Queen Pineapple to fill up more gaps in enhancing the productivity and marketability of the Queen pineapple.

Clean Energy Technologies

Use of indigenous materials for fuel cell and energy storage applications

Mountain Engineering

Deals with engineering solutions to community needs considering the challenges of a mountainous terrain unique to the Cordillera region

Caves Ecosystems

Serves as a center for research and development on cave biodiversity assessment and conservation

Center for Applied Modeling, Data Analytics, and Bioinformatics for Decision
Support Systems in Health

Utilize quantitative methods, data analytics, and applied mathematical modeling approaches to generate decision-support systems that will empower decision-makers.

Establishing the Philippine Research Center For Bamboo in Northern Mindanao

Build appropriate management and utilization technologies for economically important bamboo species through novel and innovative research and development projects that would promote inclusive growth, climate proofing, sustainable development, and global competitiveness of the bamboo industry in the region

Native Chicken R&D Center

Establish an R&D center for native chicken that is expected to accelerate production of quality breeder stocks thru enhanced breeding, feeding and production management strategies suitable for native chickens.

Cacao R&D Center

Build appropriate management and utilization technologies for economically important bamboo species through novel and innovative R&D projects that would promote inclusive growth, climate proofing, sustainable development, and global competitiveness of the bamboo industry