About Us

The Science for Change Program (S4CP) was created to accelerate STI in the country in order to keep up with the developments in our time wherein technology and innovation are game changers. Through the Science for Change Program (S4CP), the DOST can significantly accelerate STI in the country and create a massive increase in investment on S&T Human Resource Development and R&D.
Our Programs

S4CP focuses on Accelerated R&D Program for Capacity Building of R&D Institutions and Industrial Competitiveness which is composed of four (4) programs namely: (1) Niche Centers in the Regions for R&D (NICER) Program, (2) R&D Leadership (RDLead) Program, (3) Collaborative R&D to Leverage PH Economy (CRADLE) for RDIs and Industry Program, (4) Business Innovation through S&T (BIST) for Industry Program.

Niche Centers in the Regions for R&D (NICER)
Establish R&D Centers in the regions by stimulating collaborative STI ecosystem among HEIs to promote regional development

Collaborative R&D to Leverage the Philippine Economy (CRADLE)
Create synergistic relationship between the academe and the industry with the goal of invigorating Philippine R&D

R&D Leadership Program (RDLEAD)
Engage experts with strong leadership, management and innovative policy-making proficiencies to lead in strengthening the research capabilities of HEIs and RDIs

Business Innovation through S&T (BIST) for Industry
Facilitate the acquisition of strategic and relevant technologies by Filipino companies for immediate incorporation in their R&D activities.