Business Innovation through S&T (BIST) for Industry

The BIST Program aims to provide financial assistance to Filipino private companies for the acquisition of strategic and relevant technologies so they can undertake their R&D. The financial assistance, which may only be used to purchase high-tech equipment or to secure technology licensing and/or patent rights, will be refunded to DOST at zero percent interest.

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is implementing the Business Innovation through S&T for Industry Program as part of its Accelerated R&D Program for Capacity Building of R&D Institutions and Industrial Competitiveness under the Science for Change Program.
The Program will cover up to 70 percent of the total eligible cost of the needed technology at zero percent interest.
The DOST is pursuing this initiative to level-up the innovation capacity of Filipino-owned companies while at the same time promoting industry-based R&D.
Filipino-owned companies or their consortium/organization operating in the Philippines for at least three years.
New technology acquisition and research ad development (R&D) have been proven to spur innovation, facilitate growth, and improve production efficiency. BIST is designed to assist Filipino-owned companies to innovate and develop competitiveness and adapt to changing global dynamics.
- All proposals for technology acquisition submitted should be in line with the following priority industries:
- Agri-processing (includes drug and herbal development)
- Integrated Circuit Design
- Creative Industries/Knowledge-based Services
- ICT (includes Artificial Intelligence)
- Food and Nutrition
- Environment and Climate Change
- Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry
- Semi-conductor & Electronics
- Renewable Energy
- Industrial Waste Treatment
- Infrastructure and Logistics
- Manufacturing
- The hardware/software to be acquired must be primarily used for R&D initiatives.
- The proposed technology acquisition with its corresponding R&D must be implemented for a maximum period of five years. The refund of cost of acquisition shall commence on the third year of the project. Repayment shall be for a period of three to five years.
- The technology for acquisition must be registered Intellectual Property (Patent/Copyright/Industrial Design) with proven and significant sales volume
- The Technology provider must not hold controlling stake in any company in the Philippines
- A BIST proposal will be evaluated following the guidelines of the DOST-Grants-in-Aid Program in terms of:
a) workability/technical viability of the proposed projects
b) social and environmental impacts
c) commercial viability of the technology/product/process
d) management capability of the proponents
e) availability of competent and reliable workforce and facilities
- Capsule proposal following the DOST Form No.1A and 1B (downloadable at
- Letter of intent to avail of the BIST Program stating commitment to refund the cost of the acquired technology/equipment
- Copy of business permits and licenses
- Certificate of Business Registration (DTI/SEC)Financial statements for the last 2 years
- Curriculum Vitae of Management and Technical Team
Other requirements that may be requested:
- Fully accomplished DOST TNA Form 1 “Application for Technology Needs Assessment” (downloadable at, to be conducted by the appropriate Council
- Business plan including itemized costing, manufacturing and operational plan and financial projection
- Technology Transfer Agreement between the technology provider and the company (Licensing/Outright purchase which includes):
a) amount of licensing
b) market territory
c) royalty
d) duration
e) exclusivity
f) payment schedule, and
g) project milestone/s