Message from former Undersecretary Rowena Cristina L. Guevara
I am very pleased to unveil the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) – Science for Change Program (S4CP) website!
As the world undergoes great transformation, there are economic, social, and technical concerns that need to be addressed. Most of the issues spring from the demand to be innovative.
The DOST envisioned S4CP to create opportunities in advancing science, technology and innovation in the country. Since 2017, the S4CP focused on four major sub-programs namely: Niche Centers in the Regions for R&D (NICER) Program, which provides institutional grants for HEIs to undertake quality research that will catalyze and promote regional development; R&D Leadership (RDLead) Program, with RDLeaders supporting the human resources component in every region; the Collaborative R&D to Leverage Philippine Economy (CRADLE) Program, which forms academe-industry partnerships to solve industry problems; and Business Innovation through S&T (BIST) for Industry Program, which facilitates the acquisition of strategic and relevant technologies by Filipino companies to support R&D activities.
Through the S4CP website, we aim to widen our reach and encourage more academic institutions, R&D Institutes, and private industries nationwide to embrace research for development.
As we continue to battle the effects of the COVID‑19 pandemic, technology has proven to be a vital resource, as digital platforms provide alternative solutions in ensuring that research and development continue to thrive.
Congratulations to S4C!